Written by Leah Formosa

Updated on February 13, 2024

Blackjack Strategy 2024

Blackjack – one of the table game classics known as one of the most popular card games played in casinos worldwide. Also known simply as ‘21’, players aim to beat the dealer by having a hand value closest to 21 without exceeding it. While luck plays a role, mastering blackjack strategy is crucial for consistent success – making it an exciting challenge for novice and veteran casino players alike. Unlike many casino games that operate on chance entirely, like roulette, blackjack requires skill and decision-making. A well-devised strategy can significantly tilt the odds in players’ favour. But for this to happen, players must make informed choices about when to hit, stand, double down, or split pairs based on their hand and the dealer’s upcard. Even by understanding basic strategy charts, players can increase their chances of winning and minimise the house edge. So, whether you’re a novice or a seasoned player, join us as we explore all there is to know about blackjack strategy!

Blackjack Basic Strategy

In the world of blackjack, three core strategies stand out: hard hand strategy, soft hand strategy, and pair splitting strategy. These essential approaches guide players in making optimal decisions based on their hands and the dealer’s upcard. By strategically hitting, standing, doubling down, and splitting pairs, players can reduce the house edge and improve their chances of winning. Memorising and applying these foundational rules is crucial for enhancing blackjack skills and achieving consistent success at the gaming tables so let’s take a closer look at each one.

Hard Hands Blackjack Strategy

Here are the key things you need to keep in mind with the hard hands blackjack strategy:

  • Hit when you have a hard hand totalling 8 or less.
  • Double down on 9 when the dealer has 2-6; otherwise, hit.
  • Double down on 10 or 11 unless the dealer has an Ace or 10.
  • Stand on hard hands of 17 or more.
  • For hard hands between 12 and 16, stand when the dealer’s upcard is 2-6, but hit when the dealer shows 7-Ace. This minimises the risk of busting while maximising your chances against the dealer’s weaker cards.
Player`s HandDealer`s UpcardAction
4 to 8AnyHit
92-6Double Down
10 or 11AnyDouble Down
12 to 162-6Stand
12 to 167-AceHit
17 or moreAnyStand

Soft Hands Blackjack Strategy

The soft hands blackjack strategy recommends you use these guidelines:

  • Double down on Ace-2 and Ace-3 when the dealer has 4-6.
  • Hit on Ace-2 and Ace-3 when the dealer has 2-3 or 7-Ace.
  • Double down on Ace-4 and Ace-5 when the dealer has 4-6.
  • Hit on Ace-4 and Ace-5 when the dealer has 2-3 or 7-Ace.
  • Double down on Ace-6 when the dealer has 3-6.
  • Hit on Ace-6 when the dealer has 2 or 7-Ace.
  • Stand on Ace-7 when the dealer has 2, 7, or Ace; double down when the dealer has 3-6.
  • Always stand on Ace-8 and Ace-9, as these are strong hands.
Player`s HandDealer`s HandAction
Ace-2 or Ace-34-6Double Down
Ace-2 or Aces-32-3 or 7-AceHit
Ace-4 or Ace-54-6Double Down
Ace-4 or Ace-52-3 or 7-AceHit
Ace-63-6Double Down
Ace-62 or 7-AceHit
Ace-72, 7, or AceStand
Ace-73-6Double Down
Ace-8 or Ace-9AnyStand

Pair Splitting Blackjack Strategy

Meanwhile, when utilising the pair splitting strategy, you should:

  • Always split Aces and 8s as they provide the best chance of improving your hand.
  • Split 2s and 3s when the dealer has 2-7; otherwise, hit.
  • Split 4s when the dealer shows 5 or 6; otherwise, hit.
  • Never split 5s; treat them as a 10.
  • Split 6s when the dealer has 2-6; otherwise, hit.
  • Split 7s when the dealer has 2-7; otherwise, hit.
  • Always split 8s for a better chance at multiple strong hands.
  • Split 9s when the dealer has 2-6 and 8-9; stand when the dealer has 7 or an Ace.
Player`s PairDealer`s UpcardAction
AcesAnyAlways Split
4s5 or 6 Split
4s2-3 or 7-AceHit
5sAnyNever Split (Treat as 10)
8sAnyAlways Split
9s2-6 and 8-9Split
9s7 or AceStand

Advanced Blackjack Strategies

While basic blackjack strategies offer a solid starting point, advanced players often explore more complex methods to enhance their leverage at the blackjack tables. Three notable techniques of advanced blackjack strategies are card counting, shuffle tracking, and hole carding. Let’s break each technique down.

Card Counting in Blackjack

Card counting is a renowned advanced blackjack strategy, well-represented in casino-themed films with the main character often shown using their math and memory skills to gain a statistical edge over the casino. Various methods exist, with Hi-Lo and Omega II being among the most popular. Let’s look at these two popular methods.

  • Hi-Lo: This method assigns values to cards: +1 for low cards (2-6), -1 for high cards (10-Ace), and 0 for neutral cards (7-9). Players maintain a running count as cards are dealt and then convert it to a true count by factoring in the number of decks remaining. The higher the true count, the more favourable the situation for the player.
  • Omega II: A more complex system, Omega II assigns different values to cards and requires players to keep track of multiple counts simultaneously. It’s considered more accurate but also more challenging to implement effectively.

To count cards, players must practice intensely, mastering the chosen method’s nuances. This includes maintaining a cool demeanour, avoiding suspicion, and making consistent bets based on the count. While card counting itself is not illegal, casinos reserve the right to ban or exclude players they suspect of counting cards. This has led to ethical debates, with some arguing that card counting is a legitimate skill, while others view it as exploiting the game’s rules. The debate over its ethics and the potential consequences for players adds complexity to this advanced blackjack strategy.

Shuffle Tracking

Shuffle tracking is an advanced blackjack strategy that goes beyond card counting, focusing on exploiting the predictability of card clumping after a shuffle. It involves identifying and tracking groups of cards that tend to stick together due to the dealer’s shuffling habits or imperfections in the shuffle machine. Techniques for shuffle tracking include:

·       Observation: Players closely watch the dealer’s shuffling technique, looking for patterns or tendencies that may lead to the clumping of certain cards.

·       Memory: As cards are played and reshuffled, shuffle trackers must remember the sequence and placement of specific cards or groups of cards.

·       Predictive Play: Players use their observations and memory to anticipate the location of favourable cards in the deck, strategically adjusting their bets and actions based on this information.

Shuffle tracking is a highly complex and challenging strategy, demanding sharp observation skills and a deep understanding of the game. It’s not without risks, as casinos are vigilant in detecting such practices.

Hole Carding

Hole carding is a controversial blackjack strategy that involves gaining an advantage by exploiting the accidental exposure of the dealer’s hole card. Players keenly observe the dealer’s actions and use angles or dealer behaviours to glimpse the face-down card. When successful, hole carding provides valuable information about the dealer’s hand, allowing players to make informed decisions. Techniques for hole carding include:

Observation: Players carefully watch the dealer’s actions, especially when they check for a blackjack. If the dealer inadvertently reveals their hole card, players seize this advantage discreetly.

Angles: Skilled hole carders may use seating positions and angles to catch glimpses of the dealer’s hidden card.

Information utilisation: Knowledge of the dealer’s hole card enables players to adjust their strategy, knowing whether to hit, stand, or double down.

Despite its potential advantages, hole carding is widely considered unethical, and casinos take strict measures to identify and expel players using this technique. 

Another tactic used under hole carding is edge sorting – a controversial advantage play technique often used in games like baccarat. It involves identifying tiny imperfections or irregularities on the card backs to gain an edge. By sorting cards based on these imperfections, players can increase their odds of winning. Techniques for edge sorting include:

Identifying Imperfections: Players meticulously inspect card backs for subtle design irregularities, such as variations in patterns, printing, or markings.

Sorting Cards: Once identified, players sort the cards into advantageous and disadvantageous categories, giving them an edge in predicting card values and outcomes.

Edge sorting has become notorious due to legal disputes, with some cases resulting in casinos suing players who use this method. It remains a contentious strategy in the world of gambling.

Online Blackjack Betting Systems

In the world of online blackjack, there are various betting systems which can be used as tools to manage wagers. Let’s look at four popular systems—Martingale, Paroli, 1-3-2-6 System, and Oscar’s Grind – each with its distinct approach and its own set of advantages and disadvantages. These betting systems offer players different ways to manage their wagers, but they all come with their pros and cons, based on factors like luck, discipline, and knowing when to stop playing. It’s crucial to approach these strategies with a balanced perspective, as no system guarantees consistent success in online blackjack.


The Martingale System is one of the simplest betting strategies, based on the principle of doubling bets after each loss to recover previous losses and make a profit.

Easy to understand and implement.High-risk strategy; consecutive losses can lead to substantial financial setbacks.
Offers the potential to recoup losses quickly with a single win.Casinos often impose table limits that can restrict the system`s effectiveness.


The Paroli System adopts a contrasting philosophy to the Martingale system, where bets are increased after a win. It aims to capitalise on winning streaks and maximise profits during periods of favourable outcomes.

Relatively lower risk, as bets are increased only after successful rounds.Streaks in gambling are unpredictable, and losses can rapidly erode gains.
Takes advantage of winning streaks, potentially leading to significant winnings.Requires strict discipline to avoid chasing losses during unfavourable runs.

1-3-2-6 System

The 1-3-2-6 System is built around a structured betting sequence that aims to minimise potential losses and gradually accumulate profit.

Provides a systematic approach to betting that limits risk exposure.Success depends on consistent winning streaks, which can be elusive.
Emphasises slow, steady profit accumulation with controlled wagering.A losing streak can quickly nullify accumulated profits.

Oscar’s Grind

Advocates a cautious approach with small bets, reducing the risk of substantial losses.Requires extended winning streaks to generate significant profits.
Suits patient players who favour a more methodical style of betting.Progress can be slow, and substantial returns may not materialise quickly.

Online Blackjack Strategies

Online blackjack presents both unique advantages and challenges compared to its land-based equivalent, demanding distinct strategies to excel in this virtual gaming environment. Here are some differences between online and land-based blackjack to keep in mind:

Pacing: Online blackjack often moves at a faster pace, with automated card dealing and instant decisions. This requires players to make quicker and more precise choices.

Table Limits: Online casinos often offer a broader range of table limits, accommodating players with varying budgets. This flexibility allows for strategic selection based on bankroll size.

Card Shuffling: In virtual blackjack, cards are typically shuffled using random number generators (RNGs), eliminating the possibility of card counting or shuffle tracking, which can be employed in land-based casinos.

Meanwhile, here are strategies specific to online play:

Bankroll Management: Effective bankroll management is crucial, as it makes sure you can weather losing streaks and capitalise on winning ones. Set limits on your deposits and bets to avoid excessive losses.

Choosing Reputable Sites: Selecting trusted online platforms is vital. Make sure the casino is licensed, uses secure encryption, and offers fair gaming.

Practice and Free Play: Many online casinos offer free play modes, allowing players to hone their skills and test strategies without risking real money. Take advantage of these opportunities to gain experience.

If you’re looking for trusted online platforms, we’ve got plenty of these listed on our site – all reputable and all UKGC licensed. Some of the best online platforms for blackjack are:

Betway Casino: Known for its wide variety of blackjack games and stringent security measures, Betway Casino is a reputable choice for online blackjack enthusiasts.

888casino: 888casino boasts a user-friendly interface, a variety of blackjack variants, and a solid reputation for fair play and customer service.

LeoVegas: This mobile-focused casino offers a seamless online blackjack experience with a wide range of games and convenient mobile access.

Online blackjack is a dynamic and accessible way to enjoy this classic card game. Adapting your strategy to the online landscape, practising careful bankroll management, and choosing reputable platforms are essential steps toward success in virtual blackjack.

Best Online Blackjack Strategy Tips and Best Practices

Mastering online blackjack requires more than just knowing strategies – it involves a holistic approach that includes strategy selection, responsible bankroll management, psychological resilience, and ethical gameplay. Here’s how to choose a strategy:

  • Research and understand the various blackjack strategies. Select the one that aligns with your gameplay style and objectives.
  • Consider the specific rules and variations of the online blackjack game you’re playing, as strategies may vary based on these factors.
  • Set clear limits for your bankroll, both for individual sessions and overall gambling. Stick to these limits, and never wager more than you can afford to lose. Divide your bankroll into smaller units for each session to make sure you don’t deplete your funds too quickly while losing streaks.
  • Maintain emotional discipline and avoid chasing losses. Losing streaks are a natural part of gambling, and emotional reactions can lead to reckless decisions.
  • Take breaks and avoid extended gaming sessions to prevent fatigue and maintain mental clarity.
  • Practice ethical gameplay by sticking to the rules and principles of fair play.

By taking these steps, you can improve your online blackjack experience and increase your chances of success while making sure you play responsibly.

Online Blackjack Strategy Myths

Online blackjack is rife with myths and misconceptions about effective strategies. These misunderstandings can lead players astray and seriously impact their gameplay in a negative way. To make sure a more informed approach to online blackjack, it’s crucial to debunk these common myths:

Winning Systems Exist

Myth: Many players believe in the existence of foolproof winning systems, such as Martingale or card counting that guarantee consistent success.

Reality: No strategy can eliminate the inherent house edge in blackjack. While strategies can improve odds, they don’t guarantee winnings every time.

Card Counting Works Online

Myth: Some players think that card counting techniques effective in land-based casinos can be similarly applied to online blackjack games.

Reality: Online casinos typically use random number generators (RNGs) to shuffle digital decks, making traditional card counting less effective.

Betting Progression Guarantees Wins

Myth: The idea that betting progressions like the Martingale system can make sure consistent profits is widespread.

Reality: Betting progressions can be risky and lead to substantial losses during losing streaks. They don’t change the fundamental odds of the game.

Hot and Cold Streaks Exist

Myth: Some believe in the concept of ‘hot’ or ‘cold’ streaks, thinking that past outcomes influence future hands.

Reality: Each blackjack hand is independent of previous ones. No pattern or momentum can predict outcomes.

Mimicking the Dealer’s Strategy

Myth: A common misconception is that mirroring the dealer’s actions, like always hitting on 16, is a sound strategy.

Reality: The dealer’s strategy is fixed and mimicking it doesn’t maximise player advantage. A basic strategy will provide better and more informed decisions.

Changing Tables for Luck

Myth: Players often believe that switching tables or online casinos can alter their luck during a losing streak.

Reality: Results in blackjack are random, and table changes have no impact on future outcomes.

Insurance is a Safe Bet

Myth: Insurance is considered a ‘safe’ side bet when the dealer shows an Ace.

Reality: Statistically, insurance bets have a higher house edge and are generally not recommended by blackjack experts.

By dispelling these common myths, players can approach online blackjack with a more rational and informed mindset. Remember – success in blackjack relies on a solid understanding of the game’s fundamentals and strategies rather than relying on unfounded beliefs or superstitions.

Online Blackjack Strategy FAQs

The best blackjack strategy is typically considered to be a basic strategy. It’s a mathematical approach that provides players with the optimal decisions for each possible hand in blackjack based on the player’s cards and the dealer’s upcard.

Whether to hit or stay in blackjack depends on your hand and the dealer’s upcard. In general, players should hit when their hand is 11 or less, and they should stand on 17 or higher. The decision in the critical 12-16 range depends on the dealer’s upcard, with players often standing on 12-16 if the dealer has 2-6 and hitting if the dealer has 7 or higher.

The best winning combination in blackjack is an Ace and a 10-value card, which is also known as a ‘blackjack’ or a ‘natural’. It typically pays out at a higher rate, often 3:2, compared to a standard win.

The 16 rule in blackjack is a guideline for players with a hard total of 16 against the dealer’s 7 through Ace. The rule suggests that you should hit when facing a strong dealer hand, as standing on 16 against these high-value cards often results in a significant disadvantage.

On a hard 16 in blackjack, players should typically hit when facing the dealer’s 7 through Ace. This strategy is designed to reduce the risk of busting while aiming to improve your hand to a total that can compete with the dealer’s strong upcard.

The 2-1-2, also known as the Manhattan strategy, is a method that rewards blackjack enthusiasts when they experience a winning streak. The 2-1-2 doesn’t involve increasing bets after a win; instead, it starts by reducing the bet. When you win, the bet size is then raised.

The golden rule of blackjack is to play with strategy, discipline, and proper bankroll management. It emphasises the importance of understanding the game, making informed decisions, and not letting emotions drive your actions at the table.