Written by Leah Formosa

Updated on April 17, 2024

Baccarat Strategy 2024

Baccarat is a popular card game known for its simplicity and elegance, often associated with high-stakes gambling in glamorous casinos. In a nutshell, players bet on the outcome of a hand, choosing to wager on the player’s hand, the banker’s hand, or a tie. The objective is to have a hand value as close to 9 as possible, making it a game largely based on chance. Unlike many other table casino games, like blackjack or poker, no skill or strategy can guarantee consistent wins. The outcome of each hand is determined by the deal of the cards. Yet, various strategies have been devised over the years to try and beat the odds in baccarat. These strategies include the Martingale system, Paroli system, 1-3-2-4 system, and Fibonacci system. However, it’s important to note that while these systems might provide short-term gains, they come with significant limitations. They can’t change the fundamental nature of the game, which is – at its core – a game of chance. Success or failure in baccarat ultimately depends on luck, making it a thrilling yet unpredictable casino game. Read on to learn more!

Best Baccarat Betting Strategies

Each of these baccarat betting strategies has its pros and cons, and success ultimately depends on factors like luck, discipline, and bankroll management. Players should carefully consider their risk tolerance and betting style before choosing a strategy to follow.

The Martingale System

The Martingale system is a straightforward progressive betting strategy. It’s based on the principle of doubling your bet after each loss, to recover previous losses when a win eventually occurs. In baccarat, this means starting with a small bet (e.g., £10), and if you lose, doubling your bet in the next round (£20), and so on, until you win. Here’s what its implementation looks like in practice:

Bet #Bet Amount (£)OutcomeTotal Loss (£)Total Winnings (£)

While the Martingale system can recover losses quickly, it has significant drawbacks, including the risk of hitting table limits and the need for a substantial bankroll.

The Paroli System

The Paroli system is a positive progression strategy where you increase your bet after each win. It’s the opposite of the Martingale system. In baccarat, you start with a small bet, and if you win, you double your bet for the next round. Implementing this strategy looks like this:

Bet #Bet Amount (£)OutcomeTotal Winnings (£)
1£10Win £10
2£20Win £30

The Paroli system allows players to capitalise on winning streaks but requires restraint to avoid losing profits quickly when a loss occurs.

1-3-2-4 System

The 1-3-2-4 system is a moderate progression strategy, providing a structured approach to betting in baccarat. It involves a series of bets where you increase or decrease your wager based on whether you win or lose. You start with one unit and progress to three, two, and four units upon consecutive wins.

Bet #Bet Amount (£)OutcomeTotal Winnings (£)

The 1-3-2-4 system offers a balanced approach to betting, limiting losses while allowing for some profit accumulation.

The Fibonacci System

The Fibonacci system is based on the Fibonacci sequence, where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. In baccarat, you use these numbers as your betting units. You progress through the sequence after each loss, returning two steps after a win.

Bet #Bet Amount (£)OutcomeTotal Winnings (£)

The Fibonacci system offers a more gradual increase in bets and is less risky than some other strategies but may require a longer winning streak to recover losses effectively.

Baccarat Player and Banker Bets

In baccarat, players have the option to bet on either the ‘Player’ or the ‘Banker’ hand, with a third option being a tie. These two primary bets, Player and Banker, are the focal points of the game, and understanding their dynamics and strategies can enhance a player’s chances of success. Let’s look at the difference between player and banker bets.

Player Bet

The Player bet is a straightforward choice where you wager that the Player’s hand will have a higher total value than the Banker’s hand. While it may seem like the logical option, it’s important to note that the Player bet comes with a slightly higher house edge compared to the Banker bet.

Betting on the Player is often seen as a safer choice for beginners due to its simplicity and lower house edge. A conservative strategy involves consistently placing Player bets and maintaining a disciplined bankroll management system.

Meanwhile, the Banker bet is considered the more favourable option in baccarat due to its lower house edge. When you bet on the Banker’s hand, you’re essentially betting that the Banker will win. However, it’s essential to remember that the casino typically takes a commission, usually around 5%, on Banker bets, which slightly reduces the payout.

Some strategies to consider when betting on the banker are:

  • Stick with the Banker: One common strategy is to keep placing Banker bets consistently. This approach capitalises on the lower house edge and is often preferred by experienced players.
  • Follow Trends: Some players believe in tracking trends, looking for patterns where the Banker or Player wins multiple times in a row. While there’s no guarantee of such patterns, some players find comfort in this strategy.

Ultimately, the choice between Player and Banker bets depends on your risk tolerance and strategy preference. Both bets can be profitable, but it’s crucial to remember that baccarat is primarily a game of chance, and no strategy can guarantee consistent wins. It’s wise to set limits, practice responsible gambling, and enjoy the game for its entertainment value.

Tie Bet Strategies

The “Tie” bet in baccarat is an intriguing, yet elusive option. It involves wagering that the Player and Banker hands will finish with the same total points, resulting in a tie. While the allure of a substantial payout can be tempting, the Tie bet is generally considered a risky choice for several reasons. The tie bet is generally avoided because of the:

  • High House Edge: The Tie bet comes with an exceptionally high house edge, often exceeding 14%. This means that over the long run, the casino has a significant advantage, making it an unfavourable choice for players seeking consistent returns.
  • Infrequent Occurrence: Ties in baccarat are infrequent, occurring in a relatively small percentage of hands. Predicting when a tie will happen can be akin to trying to guess the outcome of a coin toss, making it highly unpredictable.
  • Risk vs. Reward: While the payout for a successful Tie bet is enticing, usually at odds of 8:1 or 9:1, the rarity of this outcome does not justify the inherent risk. Many players find it more prudent to focus on the Player or Banker bets, which offer more consistent but smaller payouts.

But, for those who are determined to try their luck with the Tie bet, here are a few strategies to consider:

  • Minimal Exposure: Keep Tie bets to a minimum and allocate a small portion of your bankroll to this high-risk wager. This way, potential losses are limited.
  • Combining with Other Bets: Some players employ a combination strategy, placing small bets on the Tie while primarily betting on the Player or Banker. This allows for a shot at a big win while maintaining a safer overall betting strategy.
  • Short Sessions: Consider using the Tie bet during short gambling sessions, where you’re looking for a quick thrill and are willing to accept the risk associated with it.

In summary, the Tie bet in baccarat is a double-edged sword. While it offers the allure of a significant payout, its rarity and high house edge make it a generally unfavourable choice. Players who opt for this bet should do so cautiously, manage their bankroll wisely and stay fully aware of the considerable risk involved.

Online Baccarat Tips and Tricks

When playing online baccarat, success isn’t solely dependent on strategies – discipline and emotional control play critical roles in your overall performance. Here are some valuable tips and tricks for mastering these aspects:

Maintaining Discipline and Emotional Control:

  • Set a Bankroll: Before you start playing, establish a budget for your baccarat session. Stick to this predetermined amount and avoid chasing losses or increasing your bets impulsively.
  • Practice Patience: Baccarat is a game of chance, and streaks, both winning and losing, can occur. Stay patient and avoid making emotional decisions based on short-term results.
  • Manage Your Bets: Decide on a consistent betting strategy and stick with it. Avoid making drastic changes to your wager sizes based on emotions or intuition.
  • Take Breaks: Regularly step away from the game to clear your mind and regain focus. Continuous play can lead to frustration and impulsive decisions.

Avoiding Common Psychological Traps:

  • Chasing Losses: Trying to recover losses by increasing bets can lead to financial trouble. Accept losses as part of the game, and don’t let them cloud your judgment.
  • Overconfidence: Winning streaks can breed overconfidence. While it’s essential to trust your strategy, remember that luck can change, and losses are also possible.
  • Gambler’s Fallacy: Avoid the misconception that past outcomes influence future results in baccarat. Each hand is independent, and there is no pattern to predict.
  • Setting Limits: Establish winning and losing limits for your session. When you reach either limit, consider ending your session to avoid risking further losses.

In online baccarat, as in any form of gambling, discipline and emotional control are key to enjoying the game responsibly and maximising your chances of success. By adhering to these tips and tricks, you can maintain a level-headed approach and make informed decisions while playing.

Using Baccarat Strategies Online vs. Land-Based Casinos

Using baccarat strategies in online casinos, whether licensed by the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) or in land-based establishments, comes with distinct differences. Below, we’ll provide a comparison and offer recommendations for online platforms.

In terms of play, here are some differences to consider when applying strategies to baccarat play on an online platform, versus a land-based casino.

  • Speed of Play: Online baccarat games, whether in UKGC-licensed online casinos or land-based venues, can vary in speed. However, online games may offer faster-paced gameplay due to automated card dealing, which requires quicker decision-making.
  • Privacy and Focus: Online baccarat provides the benefit of a private, controlled environment, aiding concentration and disciplined strategy execution. Land-based casinos may feature more social interactions and distractions.
  • Strategy Tracking: Casinos often include digital scorecards and result histories, facilitating strategy analysis. In contrast, land-based casinos may offer physical scorecards but lack the convenience of digital tracking tools.

Meanwhile, here are some tips specific to online play:

  • Select UKGC-Licensed Platforms: Prioritise safety and fairness by choosing online casinos licensed by the UKGC. This regulatory body ensures that operators meet strict standards for player protection and game integrity.
  • Practice Responsibly: Most online casinos often offer free play or demo versions of baccarat games. Use these opportunities to practice your strategies without risking real money until you’re confident.
  • Bankroll Management: Establish a clear budget and adhere to it rigorously. Casinos are accessible 24/7, so it’s crucial to avoid impulsive or extended play sessions that may lead to overspending.

If you’re looking for platform recommendations, here are our top UKGC-licensed picks:

  • Betway Casino: Betway Casino holds a UKGC license and offers a wide range of baccarat games, including live dealer options.
  • 888 Casino: 888 Casino is a well-established UKGC-licensed platform known for its diverse baccarat tables, including high-stakes options.
  • LeoVegas: LeoVegas, also UKGC-licensed, is mobile-friendly and provides various baccarat games, offering a seamless gaming experience on multiple devices.
  • Casumo: Casumo holds a UKGC license and offers gamified features along with a selection of baccarat tables, making it a popular choice for UK players.
  • Mr. Green: Mr. Green is a UKGC-licensed casino known for its player-friendly approach and offers a variety of baccarat options, including live dealer games.
  • Royal Panda: Royal Panda, with its UKGC license, provides a user-friendly platform with several baccarat variations and a live casino section for an immersive gaming experience.

These UKGC-licensed online casinos ensure a safe and regulated environment for baccarat enthusiasts, where responsible gambling practices are encouraged. By understanding the differences in strategy applications, following tips for online play, and choosing reputable platforms, you can enjoy baccarat with confidence and increased chances of success.

Money Management Strategies in Baccarat

Successful baccarat play isn’t just about knowing the rules and employing betting systems – it also requires effective money management strategies. To improve your chances of a profitable baccarat experience, consider these essential aspects of managing your bankroll and knowing when to walk away from the table. Let’s look at each approach in more detail.

Bankroll Management Strategies:

  • Set a Budget: Begin by determining how much money you’re willing to allocate for your baccarat sessions. This initial bankroll should be an amount you can comfortably afford to lose without impacting your financial stability.
  • Use Betting Limits: Many online and land-based casinos offer tables with varying betting limits. Choose a table that suits your budget, whether it’s a high-stakes table or one with more conservative limits.
  • Divide Your Bankroll: Avoid wagering your entire bankroll in a single session. Divide it into smaller, manageable portions, and only use a fraction of it during each playing session. This approach ensures you have multiple chances to play and reduces the risk of substantial losses in one go.
  • Avoid Chasing Losses: If you experience a losing streak, resist the urge to increase your bets significantly to recoup losses. Stick to your predetermined betting strategy and bankroll allocation to avoid depleting your funds rapidly.
  • Winning Goals: Similarly, set winning goals. Decide how much profit you’d like to achieve in a session, and once you reach that target, consider walking away. This disciplined approach helps you lock in winnings instead of risking them in extended play.

Knowing When to Walk Away:

  • Loss Limits: Establish a limit for losses that you’re willing to accept in a single session. If you reach this predefined threshold, it’s a signal to quit the game and return another day.
  • Time Management: Baccarat can be captivating, but it’s essential to manage your time wisely. Set time limits for your gambling sessions to avoid excessive play, which can lead to emotional decisions and potential losses.
  • Emotional Control: Monitor your emotions during play. If you find yourself becoming frustrated, anxious, or overly excited, it’s a sign that you might not be making rational decisions. Walking away and regaining composure is often the best choice.
  • Winning Streaks: While winning can be exhilarating, it’s crucial to recognise when to stop, even during a winning streak. Greed can lead to overconfidence and, ultimately, losses. Stick to your predetermined winning goals.
  • Respect Your Bankroll: Always respect your bankroll limits. If you’ve depleted your allocated funds for a session, resist the temptation to dip into other sources of money, such as savings or credit. Gambling should never put your financial stability at risk.

Myths and Misconceptions

Baccarat, a classic card game popular in casinos worldwide, has its fair share of myths and misconceptions that can cloud players’ judgment and influence their strategies. It’s important to debunk these common myths to approach baccarat with a clear understanding of the game’s dynamics.

The “Tie” Bet is Lucrative

Myth: Some players believe that betting on a “tie” (a standoff between the player and banker) offers substantial payouts and is a profitable long-term strategy.

Reality: While the “tie” bet does offer higher odds and potential for significant winnings, it has a notably high house edge, making it a risky and less favourable option compared to betting on the player or banker.

Patterns and Trends

Myth: Players often look for patterns or trends in previous outcomes, thinking that they can predict future results.

Reality: Baccarat is a game of chance, and each hand is independent of previous ones. There is no mathematical basis for predicting outcomes based on past results.

Card Counting Works in Baccarat

Myth: Some believe that card counting, which can be effective in blackjack, can also be applied to baccarat to gain an edge.

Reality: Baccarat is typically played with multiple decks, and card counting techniques used in blackjack do not apply to this game.

Betting Systems Ensure Wins

Myth: Similar to blackjack, players often think that using betting progressions or systems guarantees winning streaks in baccarat.

Reality: Betting systems can help manage wagers, but they don’t change the fundamental odds of baccarat. Winning is still largely dependent on luck.

The “Banker” Bet is Always the Best

Myth: It’s a common misconception that consistently betting on the “banker” hand is a surefire strategy for success.

Reality: While the “banker” bet has a slightly lower house edge than the “player” bet, the commission applied to “banker” wins can offset this advantage in the long run. The choice between “player” and “banker” bets should be based on individual sessions and strategy.


Myth: Some players believe that baccarat streaks, whether of “player” or “banker” wins, can be relied upon to make profitable bets.

Reality: Streaks do occur in baccarat, but they are purely random and offer no predictive value for future outcomes.

Mini-Baccarat is a Different Game

Myth: Some players assume that mini-baccarat, a smaller and faster version of the game, has different rules or odds.

Reality: Mini-baccarat follows the same rules and odds as traditional baccarat. The main difference is the pace of play and the number of players at the table.

By dispelling these common baccarat myths, players can approach the game with a more realistic understanding of its nature as a game of chance. Successful baccarat play relies on sound bankroll management, understanding the rules, and making informed betting decisions rather than relying on unfounded beliefs or superstitions.


Baccarat is a captivating casino game but it’s important to remember that baccarat is fundamentally a game of chance. Despite various strategies and myths surrounding it, the outcome of each hand is largely unpredictable.

To excel in baccarat, understanding the basics, such as the Player and Banker bets, and adopting responsible money management practices is essential. While some betting systems may provide short-term gains, they come with limitations, and no strategy can guarantee consistent success.

Ultimately, baccarat offers an exciting blend of chance and strategy, making it a classic favourite among gamblers worldwide.

Baccarat Strategies FAQ

The best strategy for baccarat is a matter of debate. Some players prefer the simplicity of flat betting, while others explore progressive betting systems like the Martingale or 1-3-2-4. Ultimately, baccarat is primarily a game of chance, and there’s no foolproof strategy to guarantee consistent wins.

In baccarat, the Banker’s hand wins most frequently. Statistically, it has a slightly higher chance of winning compared to the Player’s hand. However, it’s important to note that casinos often charge a commission on Banker wins, affecting the overall payout.

The 1-3-2-4 baccarat strategy is a moderate progression system where you increase or decrease your bet based on wins and losses. You start with one unit, increase it to three units on a win, then two units, and finally four units on successive wins. It’s a structured approach to managing your bets in baccarat.

There’s no universally agreed-upon “golden strategy” in baccarat. Success in the game relies on responsible bankroll management, understanding the odds, and staying disciplined. Some players find success with various betting systems, but none are foolproof.

Baccarat is often perceived as having patterns, but these are generally illusory. Each hand in baccarat is independent of previous outcomes, and there’s no reliable pattern or trend to predict future results.

The Dragon Bet is a side bet in baccarat that allows players to wager on specific winning margins. It involves predicting the winning hand’s margin of victory, offering higher payouts for precise predictions. However, it’s a high-risk bet and not commonly found in all baccarat games.

Baccarat is primarily a game of luck. While players can use strategies and tactics to manage their bets and make informed decisions, the outcome of each hand is determined by chance, specifically the deal of the cards.

The winning ratio in baccarat depends on various factors, including the specific bet made and the rules of the game. In most cases, the Player bet pays 1:1, the Banker bet often pays 1:1 minus a commission (usually 5%), and a Tie bet typically pays 8:1 or 9:1. The actual ratio can vary slightly between different variations of baccarat.